A Villki Directory - Old Vilkija Prior to 1941
158 Abir 103 Antupick 75 Aronovsky 81 Aronovsky A. 23 Aronovsky, M. 160 Bentse Gore (First Aid) 84 Berkovitch 154 Berkovitz 157 Berkovitz 118 Berman 171 Bloch (?) 163 Borovsky 121 Brenner 13 Bruck 37 Bruck 41 Bruck 110 Burshteir 122 Carnovsky 128 Carnovsky 133 Citron? 107 Courthouse 3 Crispin Dr. 92 Davidzky 6 Druggist 20 Fridland M. 2 Fridland S. 50 Friedman 119 Friedman 125 Frumme Hanna di 140 Garber 66 Gemple 161 Gemple 8 Gemple (Hemple) 149 Gemple F. 91 Gemple R. 38 Gerber A. 129 Gershov Boke 164 Gersov L. 94A Gordon 40 Gordon Z. 45 Gordonstein 59 Gordonstein (?) L. 48 Grossman 95 Grossman 155 Gutl ? (Bakary) 153 Gutman 104 Haikan 112A Halman 152 Hardware Store 1 High School 126 Inn 76 Kagan 120 Kagan 112 Kaplan 18 Karabelnik J. 85 Karnovski 10 Karnovsky 110 Katevush 21 Katz 36 Kloez 76 Koar 133 Kochenberg 133 Kopelanski 14 Krestin (?) 111 Krieger 80 Krupinski 163 Kuhn 57 Kweskin 143 Langman Lapinsky 153 Levitz 63 Linkovski 125 Loyterman 104A Melamdo? 44 Miaznik 86 Mikve 16 Milchiker 139 Miller 148 Moskovitz 101 Murik/Wi? 173 Pishlerke Antoshke di 51 Podzovski (?) 105 Police Station 113 Post Office 97 Public Bank 166 Public School 27 Punski 162 Pushkantzler 150 Rotbard 15 Rubinovitz 33 Rubinovitz 58 Rubinovitz 17 Rubinovitz F. 83 Rubinovitz H. 114 Rubivich? Bine 109 Runino? S. 27 Runinovitz F. 93 Sachs S. 167 Schwartz 68 Seid 130 Shafir 94 Shaham Reb 156 Shahar 127 Shapiro 172 Shapiro 153 Sher 57 Shloime 21 Silken(er) L. 29 Simkovitz Spunder 98 Synagogue 82 Tamse 165 Tamse K. 138 Tamse M. 88 Tka?ik 25 Tkazik 39 Tkazik 123 Tkazik 136 Tkazik 30 Tsigan 151 Tsigan 71 Videlefsky 141 Vidushinsky 117 Vilenchik 124 Vilenchik 159 Viloner Chaim 153 Vitkin 158 Vitkin 79 Weisfeld 106 Wiener H. 54 Wiener I. 28 Wiener W. 108 Wolfovitz 116 Wolfson 102 Yeglin 4 Yeglin Dov 60 Yeglin H. 42 Yeglin I. 32 Yeglin L. 62 Yeglin S. 142 Yutkevitz 52 Ziskindovitz
"This "bird's-eye" view of Vilkija was, for the greater part, researched by Zvi Yeglin of Holon, Israel, and friends in Lithuania. Some additions have been made by the contributions of memory of Zalman Friedman of Milwaukee, and Chaia Bederis, Cleveland.
The editor took the liberty of re-drawing the map for clarity and to add the material following that provided in the original map of Mr. Yeglin.
More "anglicized" spellings have been used, e.g., Bruck for Brook, Wiener for Vinner. Any errors committed above are the responsibility of the editor.
There seems to have been an odd method of numbering houses in Vilkija. The pre-war directory has L. Silkener at #79 Jurborg, a good bit to the west of the High School, yet is remembered as only a few houses east of the school, and just west of Hirsch Wiener at actual #40 Jurborg. This is further complicated when Karabelnik, who lived at #21 Jurborg, is shown between Wiener and #65 Jurborg (Friedland).
Among those unlisted or shown were the families Spunder, Lapinsky. Well it was a long time ago, and congratulations to Zvi Yeglin for a heroic job."
Sam Kweskin